Pay Attention To Indian Cotton Price Market And Promote Yarn Price
India's textile mill strategy seems to have succeeded in reducing cotton prices and boosting yarn prices. Cotton prices have fallen in the past few days, with cotton yarn prices rising by 5-10 rupees per kilogram due to production cuts and limited supply. Cotton yarn prices rose in Delhi and ludiana markets.
Due to the normal price of cotton yarn in ludiana, the demand for cotton yarn is further reduced. A local businessman said, "in the past few days, textile mills have raised their prices by 10-12 rupees per kilogram. Due to the recent increase in cotton prices, they are facing a gap of RS 60 per kilogram. Demand is also on average, which can support yarn prices." Market participants expect demand to improve in mid September. According to TEXPRO, fiber2fashion's market insight tool, in ludiana, 30 cotton worsted yarns are priced at rupees 394-399 per kilogram (including excise duty), up 9 rupees. 20 and 25 count worsted yarns trade at RS 380-385 and RP 385-390. Offer for 30 Count woolen yarn at RS 345-350 per kg.
There are regular Limited buying in the Delhi market. Textile mill output decline supports cotton yarn prices. Cotton yarn is up 5-10 rupees per kilogram. A trader in Delhi said buyers were buying cotton yarn, but the quantity was limited. Demand is enough to support prices in the face of reduced supply. 30 worsted yarns are priced at RP 385-390 per kg (additional GST), 40 worsted yarns are traded at RS 425-430 per kg, 30 worsted yarns are traded at RS 345-350 per kg and 40 worsted yarns are traded at RS 380-385 per kg.
The trade of pannipat recycled yarn is stable. The price of recycled yarn is hovering at the previous level. According to trade sources, exports and local demand remained on average. Buyers are cautious about excess purchases. They just want to meet immediate needs. The seller is not prepared to lower the price. They want demand to improve next month. In the pannipat market, 30 yarns are sold for RS 160-165 per kg (excluding GST). The trading price of 10 recycled yarns (white) is RS 90-95 per kg (excluding excise duty), 10 pieces of recycled yarn (colored high quality) are traded at RS 110-115 per kg, and 10 pieces of recycled yarn (colored inferior quality) are traded at Rs 80-85 per kg.
At the same time, cotton prices in northern India fell further by 500-800 rupees per Maunder (37.2 kg) as textile mills cut production. According to reports, the price of traders dropped after falling. However, due to the lack of supply, trading was very light. Cotton is traded at rupees 9700-9800 per maunde in Punjab, 8000-8500 in Haryana and 9700-9800 in Rajasthan. In the southern part of Rajasthan state, each Kandi (356kg) is 95000-97000 rupees. Prices in Haryana fell sharply, falling as much as INR 1500-2000 per Maunder due to poor cotton quality at the end of the season.
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